Robert Kiyosakiの世界的ベストセラー金持ち父さん貧乏父さん(Rich Dad and Poor Dad)を原作の英語で読んだり、トライしたことありませんか?一人で読むとめげてしまったり、途中で諦めてしまう経験がある方も多いと思います。
そこで、この英語版ゲーム会は、英会話を勉強しようという社会人有志の要望に応えて、Cashflow 101 boad game (英語版キャシュフローゲム)を使い、海外生活の長い日本人ビジネスマン又は日本在住外国人(日本語が分かる方)にファシリテーターになってもらい、キャシュフローゲムを楽しみながら、英語も上手くなるという一挙両得の企画です。 もちろん、英語しか分からない方も大歓迎です!
Come and Play Cashflow Game in Tokyo!!
With Cashflow Game in Tokyo you can learn what the rich KNOW that you don’t know. You can learn what the rich DO that you aren’t doing now. And you can EXPERIENCE the strategies of the rich without taking years to do it!
Join us Today!
What Is Cashflow Game?
Cash Flow Board Game teaches you how to get out of the Rat Race and onto the Fast Track, where your money works for you instead of you working hard for your money.
In school we all learned how to find a job. In Cashflow Game 101 you learn how to built your portfolio and earn passive income. One of the main goals of the game is to get out of the Rat Race by creating enough passive income that exceeds your monthly expenses.
This is called being “financially independent.”
Try Cashflow Game with Us!